Get Started Now!

Beginning the OT process can be daunting, but we are here to help you through it! Below you will find a list of steps to ensure your child is ready to start!

  • Reach out to us to let us know you are interested in beginning therapy! You can fill out our “contact” page, call us during office hours, or email us to schedule an evaluation!

    Phone: (631)832-3234
    M-F 9-2


    Online form: click here

  • Once we hear from you, our team will send an intake form so that we can understand and help with your child’s needs!

  • Depending on your child’s needs and history, we will recommend either an assessment or evaluation. This will help us determine exactly what your therapist will work on with your child. Assessments include a half hour follow up within one week and an evaluation includes a zoom 2-3 weeks after written report is completed.

  • Once all of the initial steps have been completed, you will be assigned one of our fantastic therapists to help see your child through to the finish line!